1. Eliminate distractions. Don’t call from a noisy pay phone of from an area where background machines and conversations will interfere with your concentration and your ability to hear and be heard. Similarly, don’t tap a pencil or make other noises that might be picked up and amplified over the phone wires.
2. Always try to answer within two or three rings, and always greet callers in a courteous and friendly manner, even if you are having a busy day.
3. Don’t put callers on hod for long periods of time. If it is necessary to hunt for information or to take another call, offer to call back.
4. It’s bad manners to engage in long phone conversation while you have a visitor in your office. If the call can’t be handled quickly, say you’ll call back later. Then remember to do so!
5. Be cheerful and obliging when you answer your boss’s phone. If your boss is not available, offer to take message, with a brief explanation such as “She’s not in her office right now. May I help?”
6. It’s important to take messages accurately. Check spellings of names, and repeat your notes to the caller to make sure the message is correct.
6.準(zhǔn)確記錄留言很重要。核對(duì)留言人姓名的拼寫(xiě);要跟通話(huà)者重說(shuō)一遍你所記下的內(nèi)容,確保留言準(zhǔn)確無(wú)誤。 |